C'est le malaise du moment, L'épidémie qui s'étend. La fête est finie on descend, Les pensées qui glacent la raison. Paupières baissées, visage gris. Surgissent les fantômes de notre lit. On ouvre le loquet de la grille, Du taudis qu'on appelle maison.
Protect me from what I want, Protect me from what I want, Protect me from what I want, Protect me, protect me.
Protège-moi, protège-moi.
Sommes nous les jouets du destin, Souviens toi des moments divins. Planants, éclatés au matin, Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls. Perdus les rêves de s'aimer, Le temps où on avait rien fait. Il nous reste toute une vie pour pleurer, Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls.
The atom will implode. The fragile kingdom fall. The tremor becomes a quake. And there's a body in the lake.
And as the two of us rebel, Damn you all to hell. I wonder is this all there is?
Time will help you through, But it doesn't have the time. To give you all the answers to the never-ending why.
i) Priss of the year awards. (Y) ii) Placebo was amazing.(Y) iii) Found my iPod. (Y) iv) Christmas holidays. (Y) v) Staff nights out. (Y) vi) Phone calls. (Y) vii) €€€€€€€€€€€€€. (Y) viii) Not spending as much time as I'd like with family. (N) ix) Darren Power crashing into us. (N) x) Steven getting "whiplash". (N) xi) Breaking the boot. (N) xii) Stopped for speeding and being noisy. (N) xiii) Lack of €€€€€€€€€€€€€ for all the right things. (N)
And now to elaborate:
i) Congratulations to Pat Fanning on winning priss of the year. It wasn't easy being that prissy, but you did what had to be done. Beyond the call of duty just to act the priss, wha'?
ii) Oh my God. Placebo. PlaceboPlaceboPlacebo. "I wish it was tangible, so I could touch it and it wouldn't be over". If only.
iii) Found my iPod. Ecstatic. Jelly Car agus Toast arís.
iv) Christmas holidays will be predominantly work filled. Yay.
WIT open day tomorrow. Should be good. Well, it'd want to be. Multimedia Application Development 2k10? That sounds weird. But a fantastic back-up plan nonetheless.
Starting to get sick of things again. Need a change. Need a break. I guess there's always glam' rock to cheer me up, innit? "Steel Panther: We fucked your Mom back in the 80s. Ask her."
I know things aren't easy at the moment. But, they rarely are. And I know this is different, but it's nothing you can't overcome. One day at a time. No one expects any more than that. Fight today's urge. It's just 'til the end of the day, then it's over. I believe you.
Maybe life didn't want this part of me. . . Maybe you sucked the life right outta me.
Actually love you more and more everyday. XIII - III - MMVII <3
Mega long weekend, innit? Wicked excited tbh. Risking Clegg's Saturday night though. Not entirely sure if I should. Something awful is going to happen, always does. Going out in Carrick isn't good for me. So what precautions do I take to ensure a hassle-free evening's entertainment? Perhaps I'll bully Walsh into the "disco". Not that he'd take a tremendous amount of convincing, but it'd be nice. Love Walsh.
Feeling rather disgruntled about the cancellation of this strike. Fuckin' sell-outs.
Did you know Bill Cosby was in a porno'? No, neither did I.
Clonmel Park is going to be trés fancy. And with the absence of Nigel and Kevin, things are only looking better. "I'll go if there's confetti falling from the ceiling during the dancing." No, you won't. It's a debs, for fuck sake. You don't waltz. You consume extensive quantities of alcohol and dance like a knack' with ADD.
Hopefully those guys'll be there again. "We were in the school fashion show and the principal fucked us ou' 'cause we were twisted!" What good girls.
Anyway, I've Gealt? homework to be doin'. Even though it's clearly not coming up in the exam. Fuck sake, Finton. "I didn't change me name to Jesus, either." "Oh the funny man, wha'?"
Ch'afterz. Comment? I'd say I'll rtf, but tbh, I rarely do, unless provoked. S'not that I don't love you. ;D
4 7 2 3 9 8 5 I gotta breathe to stay alive. And 1 4 2 9 7 8 Feels like I'm gonna suffocate. 14 16 22 This skin that turns to blister blue.