Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you.

Because I never have pictures with my posts. Apparently, pfft.

S'Friday I'm in Love.

Watched Return of the King today. Most painful three hours and twenty minutes of my life, tbh. I just really wanted to see the look on that fucking Frodo Baggins' face if and when he fell into the lava. But alas, no such luck. Bollocks.

"I LOVE the clunge."

I miss when PostSecrets were good. They lack some thing these days. The inspiring, motivational messages of the past are long since gone.

I actually can't wait to go to Placebo. Anyone wanna come with?

"Ok. . So, where's Freddo gone?"


  1. it probably wasn't lava in mt. doom
    it was probably something that really sounded like lava. but wasn't.
    like the elephant things 'olephants'
