What a little bitch. Honestly, what the fuck? If you can't be happy unless you're miserable, surely you understand that that's an awful existence, so why feel a reoccurring need to drag down everyone around you? Those that you "love"? Idk. Just fuck off, yeah?
"Ehh, si, a correcto. ." I love you, Quentin.
Ugh, school tomorrow. Not to sound terribly cliché or anything, but I'm honestly not looking forward to it one bit. I think it's more the routine and monotony than the actual education. I've enjoyed arising at half ten every morning not knowing where my quests for the day would lead me. Though it was never anywhere more exotic than Clonmel, it was still nice.
"With folded arms you occupy the bench like toothache, Stood and puffed your chest out like you'd never lost a war. And though I tried not to suffer the indignity of a reaction, There was no cracks to grasp, or gaps to claw."
I love new friends. I love new friends' new friends.
I'll miss you, freedom.
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