Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ever notice how so many people you know have a dark, murky underlying side to them that you don't see? You might not see it yourself, but someone else might. Or you may notice glimpses of the truth shining out of the cracks at places that can't quite be glossed over.

Either way, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, these people exist. And I am, by no means, exempt from this, but it irritates me. And in many instances, it's not the most typical, banal, fade-into-the-background person, it's the person that everyone respects, and idolises that's got the more impenetrable, arcane doppelgänger. And it's the innocent, undeserving ones who get enthralled by the artificial, concocted personality, that are left in the wake of their carnage, surrounded by desolation. Whilst the deluding, deceiving egotist swindles their way out of any of the repercussions.

People are ludicrously obtuse. For the most intelligent life form on earth, we're often quite fucking dense.

1 comment:

  1. 'And it's the innocent, undeserving ones who get enthralled by the artificial, concocted personality, that are left in the wake of their carnage, surrounded by desolation. Whilst the deluding, deceiving egotist swindles their way out of any of the repercussions.'

    This hit home.

