Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I used to play sports. Then I realised you can buy trophies. Now I'm good at everything.

Everyone has a blog now! It's great, don't feel like such a tremendous loser any more. Although, I'd feel like less of a loser again if I had something to say in mine. Alas, I suppose I am just less opinionated than I previously believed. This revelation, however, would have been greatly appreciated before the beginning of this blog. Now I just look like a loser with nothing to say. Now, I'm emphasising my loser tendencies by continuously bringing them up. Think I'll move on while I still have Followers.

Term of the Day: 'Burn to shine'.
"Burning in many religions is a release of the soul and the start of a new and amazing journey. " Sometimes sacrifice is necessary for change.

Listen to the Bloodhound Gang more often. They're very witty.

Got my debs tux' today! It sucked changing into the tux' in the shop, though. 'Cause, no matter what, after you've tried it on, the clothes you were originally wearing look far less impressive. Can't believe I'm going to the prom. It'll be fancy. But I can't, for the life of me, figure out why it's so expensive. Ahh well, what can you do? Jus' enjoy it, I suppose.

"Half with it, half wit, half finished high school."

Y'know how people say things "went down like a lead balloon"? How on earth did such a balloon find itself in an elevated location, in the first place? Hmm.

G'night (: